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The 718 Cayman Market Just Turned Negative – Market Cooling Has Started

The year over year price change in the Porsche 718 Cayman market just turned negative. This phenomenon is of course not unique, used car prices and also exotic car prices have been flattening during the summer.

If you bought a Porsche 718 Cayman last year, it is likely that you are looking at a loss if you would sell it today. Used exotic car prices have been flattening and in some cased even decreasing. Yet, the situation in the Cayman 718 market is slightly worse than in the rest of the market and weaker than in the 981 Cayman market.

During the last 3 months, the base Cayman, Cayman S, Cayman GTS, and 4.0 GTS Cayman all came down in price. This is the same as in the 981 Cayman market. Yet, in the that market the YoY price change is still positive for most segments.

It is, however, unlikely that this difference in the price developed is caused by the 4-cylinder engine of the 718 Cayman models; 4.0 GTS values are down and the correlation between 718S and 981 GTS prices is extremely high. All of this is different from the price dynamic that occurred after the 718 introduction. 718 Caymans depreciation more than expected and quickly approached 981 values.