No matter who you are or where you’re from, there are three things that connect everyone that is reading this opening line of this article. The first is that we are all enthusiasts of mechanical things with wheels, be them quad bikes, motorcycles, cars, or any variation thereof. Secondly, we are all able to share that enthusiasm with each other, be it through debating the finer points of what is the difference between a supercar and a hypercar, or through websites like Stuttcars itself.
The third thing that ties us all together is that we all enjoy good entertainment. Live shows, music, festivals, hobbies, but also… movies. There is a certain thing about going to a big theater, with specially designed and tuned audio and video, a big comfortable seat, and turning your brain off for a couple of hours and simply being entertained. What makes it even better, however, is when that third connection is joined with the first two, and we get awesome car chases in an action movie, a racing movie looking back at classic rivalries and/or victories, and showcasing some pretty spectacular cars.
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