The 24 Hours of Le Mans. Even just the name evokes memories of classic races, unbelievable tragedy, and some of the fiercest battles ever fought over an 8.5 mile (13.6 KM) stretch of road known as “le Circuit de la Sarthe.” These hallowed grounds are where Porsche ultimately proved their expertise in making race cars, with several legendary drives, victories, moments of glory, and, in one instance, utter perfection.
Today we will be looking at four of these legendary drivers, the ones that are seared into the memories of Porsche enthusiasts young and old. These are stories of pushing man and machine to the limit, racing on that thin line that separates the greatest drivers and names from the rest, dancing the car on the ragged edge to get any advantage. These are the stories that made Porsche into the motorsports giant it is today.
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