Porsche donates towards humanitarian cause
The earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria has left many people in desperate need. Porsche AG is providing immediate aid to those affected by donating one million euros to “Aktion Deutschland hilft e.V.”, an umbrella group of German humanitarian aid agencies, for this purpose. In addition, the Executive Board, together with the Works Council, is calling on the workforce to contribute to assistance for the earthquake victims via the internal platform “Porsche hilft” (Porsche helps).
“Our thoughts are with the victims and all those who have lost family members, friends or their homes and livelihoods in this devastating disaster,” says Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche AG. “Helping those in need is an integral part of our culture at Porsche, which is why we are working with our partner, ‘Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.’, to ensure that any support we can offer reaches exactly the people who so urgently need it.”
Porsche AG’s donation will be used for immediate humanitarian aid on the ground. “Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.” bundles relevant aid organizations and services to help on the ground, for example in the search for missing people. The alliance arranges shelter for those affected, helps with clean-up work or secures dangerous areas. It also provides support with medical care, procures food and takes care of catering for emergency workers.
Employees can also donate quickly and easily with just a few clicks online via “Porsche hilft” (Porsche helps). The company has selected four established aid organizations that are currently providing important help on the ground.
“We see it as our responsibility to help the people affected in Turkey and Syria,” says Andreas Haffner, Board Member for Human Resources and Social Affairs. “I was very touched that so many of our colleagues came forward to make their contribution. This is Porsche culture, everyone helping out. As a strong team. I am very happy that our ‘Porsche hilft’ initiative makes this participation possible.”
“I am shocked by the images reaching us from Turkey and Syria. We are very closely connected with the victims. Many of our colleagues have friends or families in the affected areas,” said Harald Buck, Chairman of the Works Council of Porsche AG. “For us, it is a matter of course that we provide help here together.”