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Porsche 914 (All Years) – Paint Colors (Exterior & Interior)

Color Options and Samples

Porsche 914 Paint Color Options & Samples

Porsche 914 Paint Color Options & Samples

This post outlines all the color options for the Porsche 914 over its production life. We have official books and catalogs of all the color options for the Porsche 914 over the years. You can immediately see that the Porsche 914 and Porsche 914/6 models were available in a number of “fashionable for the 1970s” colors. Bright, floral and lots of fun is how we would describe Porsche 914 colors.

The chassis for the Porsche 914 and Porsche 914/6 model lines were all produced by Karmann in the same factory on the same production line. Subsequently, the color choices for the Porsche 914 and Porsche 914/6 models were also identical, although Porsche chose to assign different paint codes to the 1970 914/6 models. These codes all ended in “10,” denoting the black (Targa) roof, but the paint placards riveted in the door jams of the 914/6 cars omit this.

While reviewing the table we created below, notice that 1973 and 1974 Porsche 914 model years had the exact same color selection, but the name of paint code L13M was changed from “Saturn Yellow” to “Chrome Yellow.” Likewise, in 1975, paint code L13K changed from “Sunflower Yellow” to “Summer Yellow,” and code L64K had its name changed from “Zambezi Green” to “Forest Green.” We have no idea why this was done, but it is worth noting for your research.

The highly successful 914/6 GT track cars produced throughout the 1970 model year were frequently dressed in non-production paint codes (as race cars tend to be). Although we have no expectation toward covering the GT paint schemes, P914 welcomes and will gladly post any examples submitted (for the “cool factor” if nothing else).

 Porsche 914 Colors Table & Samples

Below is a helpful table that gives you the full list of Porsche 914 paint colors. To see which colors where offered in which years, just click on any color you want to see and it will open a window that shows the years it was offered.

Color Name Standard vs Extra 914 Codes 914-6 (Early) 914-6 (Late) 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 Pantone RGB
Black Extra Cost L04I 700 1,010 YES YES YES YES YES YES Process 323,028.00
Berber Yellow Standard L11D YES 3795 18,216,912.00
Canary Yellow Standard L11E 115 2,910 YES YES 110 21,618,117.00
Sunflower Yellow Standard L13K 3,510 YES YES 122 25,321,887.00
Summer Yellow Standard L13K YES YES 122 25,321,887.00
Saturn Yellow Standard L13M 2,610 YES YES 3965 23,322,317.00
Chrome Yellow Standard L13M 2,610 YES 3965 23,322,317.00
Nepal Orange Standard L20C YES YES 1595 209,936.00
Signal Orange Standard L20E 116 1,410 YES YES YES YES YES 152 2,221,170.00
Tangerine Standard L21E 18 2,310 YES YES YES 180 1,935,740.00
Malaga Red Standard L30C YES YES 222 1,122,561.00
Bahia Red Standard L30E 22 1,310 YES YES YES YES 201 1,623,756.00
Scarlet Red Standard L31M YES YES 1795 2,154,241.00
Phoenix Red Standard L32K 5,910 YES YES 173 2,106,920.00
Laguna Blue Standard L50C YES YES 542 101,147,189.00
Adriatic Blue Standard L50E 327 1,610 YES YES YES 293.5 74,160.00
Olympic Blue Standard L51P 5,810 YES YES 298 81,182,224.00
Irish Green Standard L60E 213 1,510 YES YES YES 3308 6,855.00
Willow Green Standard L63K 223 4,310 YES YES 364 5,911,942.00
Zambezi Green Standard L64K 3,610 YES YES 349 10,764.00
Forest Green Standard L64K YES 349 10,764.00
Ravenna Green Standard L65K 3,310 YES YES 583 17,118,610.00
Light Ivory Standard L80E 131 1,110 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 255,251,240.00
Palma Green Metallic Extra Cost L95K YES 371 8,610,633.00
Alaska Blue Metallic Extra Cost L96B 7,810 YES YES 5405 6,397,117.00
Silver Metallic Extra Cost L96D 925 8,010 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 443 164,168,164.00
Gemini Blue Extra Cost L96E 330 8,610 YES YES YES 5415 97,125,141.00
Marathon Blue Metallic Extra Cost L96M YES YES 5425 133,154,166.00
Viper Green Metallic Extra Cost L96N YES 361 1,631,777.00
Anacona Blue Metallic Extra Cost L97B YES YES 279 102,137,205.00
Metallic Red Extra Cost L97D 21 YES 4995 166,108,109.00
Gold Metallic Extra Cost L97G 133 8,810 YES YES 5777 171,173,117.00
Metallic Green Extra Cost L97P 221 YES 574.5 7,910,445.00
Metallic Blue Extra Cost L98P 324 YES 303 6,483.00
Delphi Green Metallic Extra Cost L99A YES YES 582 1,351,376.00
Copper Metallic Extra Cost L99K YES 702.5 1,987,789.00
Custom Color Extra Cost 8,910

Porsche 914 Color Booklets (All Years)

Below are the documents that outline all the colors and color samples for the Porsche 914 across model years. Click on the link to download the pdf.

Download the pdf 1970 Porsche 914 Color Options Book and Samples

Download the pdf 1971 Porsche 914 Color Options Book and Samples

Download the pdf 1972 Porsche 914 Color Options Book and Samples

Download the pdf 1973 Porsche 914 Color Options Book and Samples