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Porsche 914 – Paint Colors (Exterior & Interior)

Color Options and Samples

Porsche 914 Paint Color Options & Samples

Porsche 914 Paint Color Options & Samples

This post outlines all the color options for the Porsche 914 over its production life. We have official books and catalogs of all the color options for the Porsche 914 over the years. You can immediately see that the Porsche 914 and Porsche 914/6 models were available in a number of “fashionable for the 1970s” colors. Bright, floral and lots of fun is how we would describe Porsche 914 colors.

The chassis for the Porsche 914 and Porsche 914/6 model lines were all produced by Karmann in the same factory on the same production line. Subsequently, the color choices for the Porsche 914 and Porsche 914/6 models were also identical, although Porsche chose to assign different paint codes to the 1970 914/6 models. These codes all ended in “10,” denoting the black (Targa) roof, but the paint placards riveted in the door jams of the 914/6 cars omit this.

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