1987 Porsche 911 3.2 Carrera Sport Targa at the top of the Black Mountain Pass (A4069) in South Wales
My journey (Chris Stretton) to Porsche ownership started when I was still a teenager in the 1960s. My father, Lionel Stretton, was a serious petrol-head owning many different cars and competing in VSCC events, and so it was perhaps inevitable that I would become enthused by these activities. The first time I travelled at over 100 mph remains a vivid memory: it was at the age of five, sitting beside my father in his Healey Silverstone, with the wind ripping at my hair.
Too young for the requisite four-wheel licence I was on two wheels the very day that I turned sixteen. With my test passed, I bought a 500 cc ES2 Norton from the local scrap-yard and rebuilt it from the big-end up.
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