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Fresh Update for Porsche’s Infotainment System

2022 Porsche Infotainment Update
Porsche Infotainment System update

Porsche is refreshing its infotainment system, starting with the 911, Taycan, Cayenne and Panamera models. The sixth generation of Porsche Communication Management (PCM 6.0) comes with even more features and promises to be more versatile than ever.

Coloured icons on the PCM 6.0

The optimized PCM user interface now includes coloured icons based on customer feedback. This makes different functions easier to recognize at a glance while driving. The display is clearer, and the Voice Pilot feature has been improved, expanding its scope. Various functions such as news, music streaming and the car’s operating manual are now easier to access with the integrated voice assistance.

2022 Porsche Infotainment Update

Other significant updates include the integration of wireless Android Auto connectivity (long overdue). Also, Premium Spotify customers can finally access the music service using their Porsche ID within the infotainment system.

Taycan customers will benefit from the enhanced Charging Planner for more efficient route planning. The algorithm now prioritizes charging stations with a higher energy output, helping drivers to plan stops more efficiently.

As mentioned earlier, the PCM 6.0 updated infotainment system will be available on all 911, Taycan, Panamera, and Cayenne models as standard. However, the exact scope of function and operation will depend on the trim level of each model.