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Porsche 936-004 AKA (908-80)

“908-80” at it’s first race, Le Mans 1980
“908-80” at it’s first race, Le Mans 1980 where it placed 2nd driven by Jöest and Ickx. Photo: Corporate Archives Porsche AG

936 Beginnings

The Porsche 936 was an odd car for Porsche. It was the result of an almost overnight decision by Porsche Managing Director Ernst Fuhrmann in the mid 1975 time- frame.  Porsche had spent the past years since 1973 developing cars for the upcoming World Championship of Makes rules based on FIA Group 5 starting in 1975 (using the Turbo Carrera as a test bed).

The cars being developed were the 934 (Group 4) and 935 (Group 5). By rule, the Makes cars had to be based on production models. Due to the lack of cars and manufacturer interest, the rules change was postponed to 1976. More alarmingly for Porsche, it was announced that Group 6 cars (open cockpit prototype cars) would be eligible under the new rules for a Sports Car World Championship starting in 1976 alongside the Makes Championship.

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